Remembering Chloe and Alan.

Over the period the Centre has been closed we have received some sad news, Alan Thrower, who has been teaching Japanese at the centre for over 20 years sadly passed away on Wednesday 18th August, following a heart attack.

One of his dedicated students, Jason, informed us of this and he arranged a small drink to say farewell.

His funeral will be in his hometown of Kettering on the 14th September.

We would like to pass our condolences and fondest wishes to his family and he will be very much missed on a Thursday morning.

Also during this time one of our long attending Centre users Chloe Bishop also passed away in January this year, following an epileptic attack. Chloe had enjoyed many activities in the Centre, the sewing group, art class and our trips out, she was only 33.

Her family are arranging a memorial for Chloe on 26th September between 2-5pm, if you would like to attend please contact the Centre on 01273 601211 to express your interest .

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